In 1964, Roy Peck, Co-publisher of the Riverton Ranger, contacted Frank Andrews, a local attorney, and asked Andrews to meet with him “on the bank corner”. As the Uranium industry slowed, Roy said that something had to be done to invigorate Riverton; that the town needed clean industries with good payrolls, and that the two of them should start the effort.
• June 23, 1967 Wind River Development Co was incorporated and stock authorized. First Shares issued/sold December 1967.
• SBA Loan $220K, First National Bank $220K
• Created to support Wyoming Electrodata & Ray Larson – Input data with IBM Selectric typewriter keyboard instead of punch cards
• Wyoming Electrodata merged into Datel of Wyoming, Inc.
• November 1967 construction on the 40,000/sq foot building)started with a proposed completion date of Spring 1968
• 1st Tenant in CWC Technical Research Park
• Datel shared costs with Wind River Development Co to extend city water and sewer lines to new building site
• Wind River Development Co. purchased and leased new equipment and tooling to Datel
• Datel employed between 75 and 150 people, with a maximum estimated payroll of $5M
- Datel sold to Harris Intertype who decided not to continue the Riverton operation
- July, The Brunton Company is Incorporated in Wyoming and moved to Riverton
- Building space is sub-leased to The Brunton Company
- Datel/U.C.C. become a division of Harris Intertype
- Harris Intertype starts to move operations away from Riverton
- Fremont County School Districts leases a portion of the building as well as Katherine Gray, Inc.
- Ray Larson perfected a new high-speed printer incorporated as LRC Inc.
- Building closed
- In May, Wind River Development initiates the purchase of 160 acres of which a portion eventually becomes the cross wind runway for the City of Riverton. The land was purchased from Harry Swisegood for $50,000.
- Wind River Development continued to look for renters to include Mountain Bell Telephone.
• The City of Riverton enters into negotiation with Wind River Development Co. for purchase of a portion of the 60.61 acres of the airport land for a crosswinds runway. Wind River Development offers to finance the sale to the City with a 5 year term. Sale occurs in September of 1975.
• October LRC rented half of the building
- LRC Rented building with 60 Employees on a 5 year lease
- Wind River to maintain the sprinkler system and paid ½ the cost to pave the lot
- Phase I and Phase II of the Airport Industrial Park are proposed and planned with the City
• Mayor Moffat allowed water taps on the airport land and Wind River Development Planned and Platted the Airport Industrial Park
- First lot of Airport Industrial Park sells in September for an office machine business. A second lot was sold shortly thereafter.
- Joe Dennis buys Easton Products, formerly Datel and its successors.
- A new roof and insulation package is installed on the Eaton/Datel building with expense written into a new lease for Eaton.
- Negotiation with FAA to install a security gate that would allow private hanger access off of Chandelle Blvd. Eventually access is not granted hampering the sales of our private lots facing the crosswind runway.
- Late in the year and early in 1983, Phase II of the Airport Industrial Park is platted and planned and listed for sale.
• New lease negotiated with Eaton with rent of $5400/month
• 154 Employees $2.6M Payroll
• Eaton sold to D.H. Print
• SBA loan on Datel/LRC/Eaton building fully paid, mortgage releases delivered to County Clerk
- Roof re-cover done with blown on foam, but due to a large hail storm a new roof was needed.
- While roof was being replaced more water damage occurred in the building.
- Insurance paid some of damage, contractor paid on some of the damage and a new loan paid the balance of the new roof.
• D.H. Print sold to Axhiom Solutions
• Employees bought out Axiom
• Renamed Pertech Solutions, with new lease through 2009
• Brunton Sold to Silva Sweden, employed 75-80 people and grossed about $5 million dollars
• Idea, Inc,a not-for-profit corporation proposed a $2.5M building for Brunton with $1.5M grant from Wyoming Business Council and $1M loan from First Interstate Bank of Riverton
• Wind River Development Co. guaranteed the $1M loan for 5 years
• Wind River Development Co. bought the old building for $175k ($225,000 minus $50k cost of roof)
• Stetson Engineering bought the old building at cost
• Brunton Sold to Portland Gerber/Fiskar Ltd. , reduced SKU’s
• Employed 250 people and $15 million in sales
• Wind River Development Co replaced the roof on Pertech building for $100K
• Wind River Development Co cut rent by ½ for Pertech
• Pertech sold to Pertech Industries
• Wind River Development Co recovered the lost rent from Pertech Industries
• Wind River Development Co sold building to Pertech Industries for $1M
• Brunton Sold to Fenix Outdoors
• John Smithbaker came back as Brunton President
• Pertech Industries paid off Wind River Development Co
• Loaned $250K to Will at County 10 to purchase County 10
• Donated $50K to Riverton Hospital District
• Erected 2 Billboards trying to attract visitors to travel through Riverton
• County 10 paid off loan
• Loaned Bethany Baldes $12k for camera equipment
• Erected 2 more billboards directing visitors to Riverton
• Brunton Sold to Brunton Outdoors
• Wind River Development Co lease from CWC foundation runs to 2038
- Datel becomes a division of U.C.C. or University Computing Company of Dallas TX
- In August, Wind River Development approved the improvements (curb, gutter, paving, power, telephone and water) of 6 lots adjacent to Chandelle Blvd. Gravel was approved for the balance of Chandelle to Cessna Drive.
- The cost was to be shared by the City – $53,000, and Wind River Development-$93,000. When it was all said and done the cost to Wind River was $139,546 for the 10.2 acres/6 lots on Chandelle Blvd.
- The selling price of the lots would be $15,000 an acre with 16 acres for sale in Phase I
- Covenants were established on for this Phase
- The Wind River Airport Industrial Park is sold to U.S. Energy for $180,000 which was at a substantial loss at the time due to high interest rates and interest owed to the bank
- At the annual meeting, Joe Dennis of Eaton Corp states that “We are here, and we plan to stay”. As of this meeting Easton employs 154 people with a total payroll to the community of $2,600,000. Eaton is a Printer Product Company.